
Duke of Edinburgh Award

For the past seven decades, the Duke of Edinburgh Award has inspired and transformed the lives of millions of young people from all walks of life. From volunteering to physical activities, life skills to expeditions, achieving a DofE Award is a passport to a brighter future, valued by employers and universities.

We are a Duke of Edinburgh Directly Licensed Centre (DLC) at The Roseland Academy, which allows us to deliver the Internationally recognised Award to our students in Years 9 & 10.

We currently offer the Bronze & Silver Award and have been very successful over the past few years with up to 50% of a year group participating in the award, receiving a commendation from Cornwall Council & Cornwall Outdoors in the process.

Below shows the timescales for each section:
Duke of Edinburgh Award

If you would like further information, please contact Mr Avery, Learning Leader for Year 9 & Year 10, Raising Standards Team and Duke of Edinburgh Manager.