Year 7 develop a basic understanding of nutrition and culinary skills. They learn about bacteria and hygiene as well as health and safety in the kitchen environment. Students are introduced to the Eat Well guide followed by practical skills in using equipment before learning the methods of making and properties of ingredients. They produce a range of savoury and sweet dishes to put this knowledge into practice, considering special dietary needs and cultural differences.
Year 8 students recap on food safety before moving on to nutrition and nutritional value. They are introduced to micronutrients and macronutrients; fats and sugars as well as healthy eating. They consider the dangers of food poisoning and the need for storing food at the correct temperatures. Students are taught about food choices, diet and lifestyle, linking this to healthy and wellbeing. As well as this, safety and accident prevention continues to be addressed.
Year 9 students start with a recap on food safety before looking at food bacteria and pathogens, linking these to common causes of food poisoning and food related causes of ill health, allergies and intolerances. They develop an understanding of special diets and religion as well as fair trade, ethics and international foods. They are encouraged to work effectively and safely as a team to consolidate their practical skills. Within all this they are encouraged to look at local food and preparation of it.