
Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

The Roseland Academy is using the Pupil Premium funding to narrow the gap between the performance of different students and different groups of students.

We aim to:
• Ensure that all students make better than expected progress in relation to their starting points.
• Ensure that students are academically competent and have a well-developed range of reading, writing, communication and mathematical skills.
• Ensure that students understand themselves as learners, know how to ‘problem-solve’ and become increasingly independent.
• Ensure that students are emotionally resilient, enjoy positive relationships in school and aspire to be the very best they can be.
• Ensure that students are confident in themselves, enjoy school and attend regularly.
• Ensure that students are supported and challenged to have the highest possible aspirations for themselves regarding future plans.

How we spend the school’s allocation from the Pupil Premium grant click below to download: