
MFL (Languages)

The MFL curriculum at The Roseland is focused on the development of all students’ communication skills, self-efficacy, strong and durable retention of language, independence and autonomy. Through the 3 pillars of progression – phonology, vocabulary and grammar, students will gain a strong phonetic knowledge that enables them to converse (and pronounce new vocabulary) confidently and provides a reinforcement of many literacy skills from their first language.

They will learn how to manipulate grammar to allow them to personalise information and retain core phrases that can be recycled in a large number of purposeful, real-life situations. Through this knowledge and confidence, they will become resilient and competent linguists who are open-minded and versatile communicators. By the end of KS3, students will understand what it is to be a linguist. Pupils will have a curiosity and fascination in discovering the world and its people, as well as having an interest and intention to travel in order to deepen their understanding of different cultures and societies.

Students will develop an extensive core of vocabulary and grammatical structures which will be learned and regularly practised and retrieved so that students are confident and fluent communicators in a variety of contexts across all 4 language skills. Students will leave the school with the knowledge and understanding of communicative functions that enable them to apply what they know to both familiar and unfamiliar contexts from family life to ethical issues and the world of work. This will help them to go on to achieve their potential and enhance their employability profile, not just at A-Level and in Higher Education but as global citizens.

Linguists at The Roseland Academy will have an appreciation for the world they live in and a deep understanding of their place in an ever-changing multi-cultural society. Through a knowledge rich curriculum, students will acquire the skills needed to develop the four main skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening in the target language. The invaluable communication skills and creativity developed through learning a foreign language will foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of other cultures on a local, national and international stage.

At The Roseland we consider language learning as a skill for life and we not only focus on language but also on culture and the wider world. We want our students to leave as confident, competent and ambitious cosmopolitan citizens who can function independently in today's modern and multicultural world.

Modern Languages are taught through a number of learning techniques that inspire students and help them progress by making the language learning authentic and accessible. Lessons are planned and delivered with an emphasis on current science of learning such as cognitive load theory to ensure all pupils are supported and experience success in their language learning. Spontaneous and authentic language is practised through classroom routines, role play, simulation and authentic electronic resources helping students understand how the language works in a native environment.

We feel that the process of learning a foreign language forms an integral part of personal development for every student: logical and lateral thinking, assertiveness, creative and independent thinking, team work, personal organisation, use of reference materials and resources, learning through new technologies, leadership skills, formal and informal communication, different writing styles, analytical thinking, and memory training, to name just a few. All of these skills are vital for lifelong learning.

Language skills will positively support students through different career paths in the world of commerce and services. The ability to communicate in another language will give students a notable advantage in our increasingly competitive world of work and thus make them more desirable for an employer.